The Protection Motif
Motif: Scorpion (Dupíşk: Akrep)

“Your silence will not protect you.”
― Audre Lorde
The Protection Motif
Ancient myths have always been part of ancient cultures. The Protection symbol has been part of our Kurdish culture for thousands of years. Do you believe in positive energy? Do you think positive energy can protect you and your household from evil one? Because our ancestors believed that the protection motif was protective indeed. They believed that it could protect their household from bad energy. It even has a nickname: the evil eye.
What do you think? Do you believe that our protection motif could protect you and your beloved ones?
Luckily, getting your Protection motif from Bajer Watches is a way to find out. So if you would love to be saved or want to protect your loved ones, then this motif is for you.
Get your motif, take your picture and tag us on our social platform. So that we would know that you are protected. Because we strongly believe that it will protect you from the evil one.
The Motifs and Kurdish Women
In rural Kurdish communities, women’s voices have traditionally been silenced in the public sphere. However, these women developed their artistic language, which allows them to communicate the depths of their emotions. They weave rugs with symbols whose unique meanings, orderly arrangement, and color combination tell a specific story that others can recognize.
However, these women developed their artistic language, which allows them to communicate the depths of their emotions: they weave rugs with sets of symbols whose unique meanings, orderly arrangement, and color combination tell a specific story that others can recognize.